Wednesday, 14 October 2009

I found some posters on the manifesta website of some club nights I used to go to - I am so chuffed! (I did have originals that I'd ripped off the wall years ago, but they're long gone!) I am loving the whole DIY ethos about them - I really haven't changed a bit. I think that I'm going to look at DIY ethics for my book, stick to something I'm passionate about. I'm not sure yet exactly what tangent of DIY I would like to look into but I guess that's something I need to narrow down.

I've been listening to some radio blogs recently. I've found it really interesting to listen to a blog rather than just read it. I think that I personally take more information in when I hear something. I do really enjoy hearing other peoples opinions, I find it useful to listen.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Light Night

See things differently!The full 2009 brochure is available to download from here.

014 Feminism is a Dirty Word

Courtyard of Broadcasting Place, Leeds Met
19:00 - 05:00

014 Feminism is a Dirty Word thumbnail image
by Leeds Met's School of Contemporary Art and Graphic Design.
"I'm not a feminist, but..." Staff and students of Leeds School of Contemporary Art & Graphic Design lead a torch-lit procession through the city introducing a new generation to, the thoughts and issues of the Reclain the Night marches. Film clips of important moments in Feminist history and thought will be projected onto Leeds Met's Broadcasting Place.
March starts from the courtyard of Broadcasting Place at 7pm.
Projection onto Old Broadcasting House will be Viewable All Night.